Parental pressure

In the first chapter of this book, I referenced Larkin's This Be The Verse as it's something which often comes into my mind as a parent. It's not the first expletive-laden line which has the impact but the second sentence: 'They may not mean to, but they do.' And at the heart of that is often the problem of parental pressure.
You love and cherish your child. You want the very best for him or her and you want them not to fail or be upset; to achieve in areas where perhaps you didn't. You encourage them and nurture them; try and give them all the opportunities to find their passions and interests so they can succeed and be happy. But in the vortex of school life, that encouragement can become unhealthy and too pressured if you don't regularly check yourself. You can always see it in others – the parent who encourages too much, that unhealthy vicarious ambition writ large. But how do you see it in yourself? How do you get the balance right between encouragement and being too...
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This is exactly the sort of book which parents should be looking at to cut through the marketing glitz of independent school websites and prospectuses, and to focus in on the key issues around finding the right school for their child. Matthew's book offers a wealth of practical advice from someone who really knows the sector, giving parents all the right questions to ask of themselves and the schools they are visiting. If you're looking for a guide to tell you what the best school is, then this book isn't for you. If you want guidance and support to find the best school for your child, then look no further.
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Finally! A guide that helps parents cut through the branding, shiny PR and glitz, and focuses unapologetically on what should be at the heart of every school choice: a child's happiness.