Advertising with Attain
Schools can advertise any forthcoming Open Days with an Enhanced or Premium annual subscription. Editorial control of profiles remains with Attain and schools cannot include advertorial content.
Why advertise with Attain?
Many of our advertising clients have very kindly supported Attain since our early days, advertising with us for almost two decades. The fact that so many schools renew their advertising with us year-after-year is the best 'advert' for the effectiveness of advertising with Attain. Here's a few of our clients:

Advertising options for schools
Attain offers two annual advertising plans for schools – Enhanced or Premium.
Our Enhanced advertising subscription enables schools to advertise any forthcoming Open Events throughout the year. In addition, they can enrich their profile page with photographs and a profile of the Head, to enable parents to discover more about their school.
Schools with an Enhanced subscription also benefit from 'featured school status' across our guide pages. Enhanced subscriptions cost £195 + VAT for prep schools and £295 + VAT for senior schools.
Schools opting for our Premium annual subscription get all the advantages of the Enhanced subscription but also benefit from a profile advert which maximises awareness of their school on our website. Premium plans cost £495 + VAT for prep or senior schools. Some examples can be seen below.
Advertising comparison
An Enhanced or Premium annual advertising subscription is available for both prep and senior schools on a per school profile basis, with the following benefits:
Finding out more
To keep rates low, we work directly with schools offering clear, transparent pricing. To book advertising with Attain, or if you have any questions, please email: