League tables

Whilst on face value, league tables look like they offer parents a convenient shortcut when choosing a school, the reality is somewhat different. In this chapter, Matthew shines a light on the inherent problems with league tables. Far from providing the transparency and accountability parents crave, they are a false friend.

What if there was a way to bypass this long tortuous process of choosing a school? What if someone very kindly compiled a list of all the schools in an area and put them in order of academic performance? After all, academic performance is purportedly the thing parents are most interested in – it's the pathway to university and beyond. It spells success for life, doesn't it? Parents could quickly cast their eye down this magical list and see what's on offer and instantly decide to go for the one at the very top. After all, why hang around the third division when you could be pushing for the premier league, eh?

And so that's what happened. And this idea grew and grew to become a regular annual occurrence across several newspapers – even the Government got in on the idea on the basis of that Whitehall favourite: accountability. And despite the opposition to this...

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Disclaimer: Independent education has a wide range of views and the use of quotations does not imply that these contributors share the same views as the author. The views and opinions of the author may also not necessarily be shared by all schools mentioned in this book. The author and publishers do not warrant, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, that the contents are error-free and shall not be liable for any loss, however arising, as a result of the information contained in this book.