Cheam School
Cheam School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 3 to 13 located near Newbury on the border of Berkshire and Hampshire. The school aims to prepare children not only for the next stage but for life beyond. Cheam aims to nurture and develop core values and skills in every pupil through the creation of a happy and stimulating environment. With a diverse range of opportunities on offer, children are encouraged to 'give it a go' and always strive to give their best.
- Cheam School is a coed pre-prep and prep school, offering both day and boarding places.
- The school welcomes approximately 400 pupils with boys and girls aged from 3 to 13 years.
- Cheam School is located at Newbury in Berkshire.

· Cheam can trace it roots back to 1645 when it was established in a house known as Whitehall in Cheam, Surrey.
· In 1935, it moved to Headley and counts both Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and King Charles III as former pupils.
· Today, nearly 400 children attend the school and are able to enjoy a site of 80 acres.
· Boarding at Cheam adds significantly to the life of the school, building a unique sense of community, with weekly and flexi boarding on offer from Year 4 onwards.
· The school runs a bus service for boarders from west London every Monday morning.
The school says: 'Cheam is a very special place offering the brightest of learning environments. It is the perfect place to grow – we know that the early years of a child’s life are the very best time to prepare the ground for their adulthood, and our focus at Cheam is on providing the most compelling setting for every child to thrive.'
'There is a ‘feeling’ about our school that cannot be engineered. It is an organic manifestation of an educational environment where opportunity is provided alongside reassurance, where independence co-exists with support, and where kindness is instilled alongside resilience.'
'It is this ethos that ensures our Cheam leavers, year on year, take happiness, confidence and emotional intelligence with them on to pastures new.'

Head, Governance and Inspections
When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.

"My drive to lead Cheam is rooted in my wish to inspire and contribute to the continued success of a very special school."
Nick Milbank is Head of Cheam School. Nick has worked at Cheam for 25 years, starting as a Form Tutor. He was appointed Head in January 2025.
Open Morning