
Too often overlooked or just taken for granted, a school's curriculum is one of the areas which most defines the individuality of independent schools. In this chapter, Matthew discusses why the prep school years are more than just preparation for senior school and why narrow specialisation should be avoided at all stages.

If there is one aspect which is often overlooked when choosing schools – or just taken for granted – it's a school's curriculum. Parents might assume that the curriculum at all independent schools is the same – why would it be different? In fact, curricula is one of the areas which most defines the individuality of independent schools and gives them distinctiveness and identity. You can tell a lot about a school by precisely what it teaches – and what it does not.

Let's start with prep schools. The whole purpose of a prep school curriculum is to foster a love of learning. It covers all the basics of the National Curriculum but, by being independent, it has the freedom to go further and look beyond the basic topics. Good prep schools develop intellectual curiosity in pupils and this is helped by having subject specialist teachers. During these formative years, children begin to learn the skills of independent study and enquiry. They learn to disseminate information quickly, decode problems and put forward logical and well-developed arguments. And they also start to develop the discipline of using time properly and efficiently. They learn how to learn.

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