St Benedict's School

St Benedict's School is an independent day school for boys and girls aged 3 to 18 in Ealing, West London. The school is a Catholic day school offering a seamless education from the age of 3 through to the Sixth Form. The school combines 'strong academic standards with outstanding personal development, and enables all children to develop their full potential.'

Key facts about St Benedict's School

  • St Benedict's School is a coed pre-prep, prep and senior day school.
  • The school welcomes approximately 1000 pupils with boys and girls aged from 3 to 18 years.
  • St Benedict's School is located at Ealing in West London.
St Benedict's SchoolSt Benedict's SchoolSt Benedict's School

Why choose St Benedict's School?

Headmaster Joe Smith says: 'Like every excellent school, we enable boys and girls to achieve outstanding academic success, to discern their chosen career path and to gain access to top universities. St Benedict’s stands out because it goes well beyond this, by helping children to grow as people, socially, emotionally and spiritually.'

'Here, they are valued as individuals and therefore think as individuals; they discover their unique talents and interests, and develop personal qualities such as resilience, resourcefulness, empathy and imagination. They learn what they have to offer the world and attain the confidence to show principled leadership.'

What makes St Benedict's School different?

Attain asked the school, what makes St Benedict's School different – and why should parents consider it?

St Benedict's is London's leading independent Catholic co-educational school. Situated in leafy Ealing, it is a successful blend of the traditional and the innovative. Girls and boys aged 3 to 18 thrive in a caring, happy community, benefiting from a seamless education, inspirational teaching, and exceptional pastoral care.

St Benedict's has strong academic standards, with an emphasis on intellectual curiosity and independent learning. We are committed to supporting all children to develop their full potential, by catering for their individual needs and talents at every stage.

At St Benedict's, there is a strong focus on personal development. Our outstanding co-curricular programme builds confidence and enables pupils to excel in the things they enjoy. There is a distinguished sporting tradition and excellent Music and Drama.

We encourage principled leadership, resilience and character and promote integrity, fairness, and generosity to others – Christan values which appeal not only to Catholics but to families of other faiths and of no faith.

The Junior School and Nursery provide a supportive and vibrant environment in which to learn. Sharing excellent facilities with the Senior School helps ease the transition at 11+.

Recent developments include a new Junior School building, new Sixth Form Centre, and Art Department.

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Head, Governance and Inspections

When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.


Joe Smith is Headmaster of St Benedict's School.


The school is a registered charity managed by trustees. Read more about the charity structure and how it is run on the Charity Commission website.


St Benedict's School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) on behalf of the Department for Education. Routine inspections take place once every three years.

St Benedict's School Open Days

Open Days provide a wonderful opportunity to visit a school and discover more about the community, values and ethos. Read more about the questions to ask at an Open Day and the things you can expect to see.

Nursery & Junior Open Morning

St Benedict's holds a number of open events for prospective families throughout the year.

St Benedict's School Leavers' Destinations

At the end of their time at St Benedict's School, pupils go on to a number of leading senior schools. Recent destinations include:

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More about St Benedict's School

St Benedict's School location map

St Benedict's School
54 Eaton Rise, Ealing, London, W5 2ES.

Boys & Girls, 3-18 · Day

To discover more, visit the St Benedict's School website.

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