Magazine Features & Articles
Attain offers features on parenting, curriculum, politics and ideas – all aimed at helping independent school parents. A selection of recent articles is available below.
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A selection of features published by Attain over the years from a range of contributors looking at a variety of topics to help parents.
Great expeditionsMany parents look back on the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme with fond memories of expeditions beset by mishaps. As society emerges from the pandemic, the unique and very valuable skills DofE teaches pupils have never been more important.
Reforming GCSEMuch has changed since the 1980s when GCSEs were first introduced. Despite various reforms, some Heads feel it's time for more radical change. Attain's Editor talked to Sarah Fletcher, High Mistress of St Paul's Girls' School and Stephen Jones, Warden of St Edward's School in Oxford.
Effective complainingIt is a rare parent who never needs to complain. So how can you complain in a way which is constructive for everyone – parents, pupils and teachers? Attain's Editor talked to Jeremy Banks of Caldicott and Claire Belk of Bellan House, Oswestry School.
When communication becomes unhealthyIt was vital for parents to email teachers far more than usual during the pandemic. But the volume of messages has not stopped, as Nina Kingsmill Moore, Headmistress of Glendower Preparatory School, explains.
Enjoying the momentAs a result of the pandemic, many people feel unable to look ahead and plan with confidence. But we need to refocus on the present, explains Fionnuala Kennedy, Head of Wimbledon High School GDST, and find the joy in the here and now.
The reform of assessmentHMC asked 800 educators for their views on both the current curriculum and models of assessment. Dr Simon Hyde, General Secretary of HMC, looks at the findings of this survey and why the majority of respondents want to see reform happen urgently.
Trust and you will findThe past year has seen the rise of The Three Marketeers: Covid, Consultancies and Conundrums. Tim Hands, Headmaster of Winchester, reflects on choosing schools in the new normal.
There is little at present about which we can be certain – except more uncertainty – and this has a big effect on anxiety. Attain's Editor talked to Mark English, Vice Master at University College School and Emma Goldsmith, Head of Winchester House School.
Reassuring values from the pastThe new normal is bringing myriad challenges for schools and pupils – especially those at boarding schools. Tim Hands of Winchester College explores what our future educational provision might learn from the past.
Putting the Arts into STEMSchools are embracing the concept of STEAM – putting the arts into science, technology, engineering and maths. Attain's Editor, Matthew Smith, talked to Fionnuala Kennedy and Claire Boyd of Wimbledon High School GDST to find out more.