Attain's History
Whether you are looking for an independent school for your child or just keen to keep up-to-date with the latest thinking about private education, Attain covers all aspects.
From print magazine to digital portal
We began as a print publication. Attain Magazine started small – from a kitchen table we distributed our magazine to parents at schools in the three counties of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. Attain quickly grew into a leading sector-wide national publication read by Heads, teachers and parents at schools across the country.
In Summer 2020, we made the switch from print to being fully digital and stopped producing a termly print magazine. We continuously publish throughout the year, offering a wide range of resources to help parents across the UK independent sector.
Our ethos and values
When we started Attain nearly twenty years ago, it was with one purpose in mind: to create a forum for intelligent debate about independent education. That tradition continues to underpin all we do.
Attain today
We aim to help parents by providing useful, engaging content which supports them in all aspects of independent education. And, just like the sector, we remain independent and trusted to offer impartial advice and support parents in choosing a school for their child.
Our advertisers
We are extremely grateful to all the schools who advertise with us and do ask parents to please mention Attain when contacting any school discovered through our website.
Schools wishing to advertise through Attain can find further details of the options available on our advertising page.