Sydenham High Open Day

Sydenham High runs a regular programme of Open Events during the year. In addition, the school offers Taster Sessions which provide a wonderful way to experience life at the school.

Sydenham High offer Open Events and Taster Sessions throughout the school year.

Booking for events usually opens at least half a term in advance or over the holidays.

Taster Sessions provide a wonderful way to experience life at the school first hand with girls taking part in different lessons and activities.

Open Mornings at Sydenham High

Prospective families can book places at any Open Event or Taster Morning via the Sydenham High School website.


Sydenham High School Open Morning

No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

Sydenham High School is an independent day school for girls aged 4 to 18 in South East London. The school was founded in 1887 and prides itself on 'enriching young minds in a way that will endure a lifetime.' Find out more about Sydenham High School.