Kew Green Preparatory School Open Day
Prospective parents can enjoy a snapshot of a 'day in the life' of Kew Green Prep at any of their forthcoming Open Mornings which are held on various Wednesdays during the term.
Open Mornings at Kew Green Prep give prospective parents a chance to see the school in action and get a snapshot of a 'day in the life' of the school.
Head Sasha Davies gives a presentation at 9am which is followed by a tour of the school.
Open Mornings at Kew Green Prep
Parents can book a place via the Kew Green Prep website.
Kew Green Preparatory School Open Morning
No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

Kew Green Preparatory School is an independent day school for boys and girls located in Kew, Richmond. Since opening its Nursery in September 2022, the school now provides an education for children aged 2-11 years. Nursery children have the opportunity to transition to the Reception class at Kew Green Preparatory School, should this be the desired choice. The school offers children 'the opportunity to succeed, be recognised and be valued. Our pupils achieve their full potential – academically, physically and socially – throughout their journey at the school. We instil tolerance and respect for others, we celebrate diversity and emphasise the importance of contributing to society. Our children develop resilience, enabling them to embrace change, question that which they don’t understand and to be brave enough to make mistakes.' Find out more about Kew Green Preparatory School.