Durston House School Open Day

Open Mornings at Durston House provide families with the opportunity to meet staff members, current pupils, and ask any questions they may have about the school.

In September 2023, Durston House became coed, welcoming girls to the school. Open Mornings are an opportunity to visit the brand new Pre-School, the refurbished Pre-Prep and Junior School, as well as visit the Middle and Upper School site, all of which are situated across four buildings on Castlebar Road.

Open Mornings at Durston House

To attend an Open Day or to make an appointment to view the school, please contact the Registar via the Durston House School website.


Durston House School Open Morning

No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

Durston House School is an independent preparatory school for boys and girls aged 3 to 13, welcoming those from all ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. The school is non-selective in both the main points of entry in the Pre-School and in Reception. Find out more about Durston House School.