Chigwell School Open Day
Prospective parents considering Chigwell School for their child at 4+, 7+, 11+ and 16+ should attend the next Open Morning. The events run until 1pm and includes welcome talks and a tour of the school.

Open Events at Chigwell School give parents the chance to see the school for themselves, to get a feel for everything and a sense of whether it is the right school for them.
The school offers working day tours which can be arranged by contacting the Admissions department at the school.
Chigwell School Open Events
Prospective parents can book Open Events via the Chigwell School website.
4+ School in Action
An opportunity to meet the Head and Head of Pre-Prep and tour the Pre-Prep department.
Whole School Open Morning
An opportunity to experience the school for all entry points – 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Parents can book to attend via the school website.
Whole School Open Morning
An opportunity to experience the school for all entry points – 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Parents can book to attend via the school website.