Badminton School Open Day

Badminton School holds a number of Open Days throughout the year. They give parents the opportunity to look around, meet staff and current pupils and get a real feel for Badminton.

Badminton has Open Days for the Junior School, Senior and Sixth Form as well as a Whole School Open Morning. In addition, Badminton's Visiting Mornings are a perfect opportunity to experience what Badminton has to offer with a group tour and informal conversation with the Head and senior staff.

For parents who are keen for their daughter to experience what it is like to be a pupil at Badminton, Taster Days are available for entry to specific years. Bespoke Taster Days can be arranged with the Admissions Team at the school.

Open Mornings at Badminton School

For more information about Taster Days or to register for an Open Event, please visit the Badminton School website.


Badminton School Open Morning

No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

Badminton School is an independent day and boarding school for girls aged 4 to 18. The school aims to offer a holistic approach to education, encouraging girls to get involved with their subjects, ask questions 'and really get stuck in'. Find out more about Badminton School.