St Benedict's pupil wins sustainable fashion prize

Tara, a pupil at St Benedict's School, has won the EalingSewnUP Sustainable Fashion Mural Competition.
The competition was set up to promote sustainable fashion, making it fun and accessible for everyone in Ealing.
Tara won the competition with her patchwork of images full of clever ideas on how to upcycle clothes, rather than buy new ones.
Tara said: "I'm very happy to have won the competition and hope that having the mural in Ealing will help to show people that there are many different ways they can recycle and reuse clothes.
"Social media has a huge influence on what people buy and wear, but you can find almost everything you want in charity shops."
"In the fashion industry, it takes 2,700 litres of water to make one cotton T-shirt.
"So, if there are clothes you don't want any more, swap them or give them to charity."