Ryde launches new cookery school
Ryde School has been chosen as a pilot school for the Leiths Academy, enabling a new programme of courses to be offered to students. Pupils can take advantage of a new purpose-built cookery room at the school, with demonstration kitchen.
Ryde School

March 16, 2023
Ryde School has been chosen as a pilot school for the Leiths Academy which offers new school-based courses.
A brand new purpose-built cookery room has been created, with eight kitchen stations and a demonstration kitchen at the front, equipped with cameras to provide students with close-ups of both preparation and plating.
Lower Sixth Form students who chose to take up cookery sessions this year are all being taught the Leiths course and are assessed termly by a member of Leiths Academy.
At the end of the course, they will be awarded a Leiths School of Food and Wine Certificate.