The Oratory School

The Oratory School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 11 to 18, set in a beautiful 100-acre rural location near Reading. The school was founded in 1859 by Saint John Henry Newman to provide an alternative to other Catholic establishments of the time. Today, it welcomes pupils of all faiths and of none.

Key facts about The Oratory School

  • The Oratory School is a coed senior school, offering both day and boarding places.
  • The school welcomes approximately 300 pupils with boys and girls aged from 11 to 18 years.
  • The Oratory School is located at Reading in Oxfordshire.
The Oratory SchoolThe Oratory SchoolThe Oratory School

Why choose The Oratory School?

Junior pupils are part of St Philip House where after they move into one of the four Senior Houses. All pupils, whether day or boarding, benefit from the family atmosphere of the house system where older and younger pupils learn and support each other. 'It is this supportive environment and strong pastoral care that nurtures the confidence, self-expression, and resilience that are vital for success and happiness in the world of today.'

The school aims to focus on the whole pupil seeking to 'draw out and develop their innate gifts, skills and talents, which we believe each of them has in abundance, be they academic, sporting, artistic, dramatic or inter-personal'.

Attain asked the school, what makes The Oratory different – and why should parents consider it?

The Oratory has the highest grade of 'excellent' for both Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) categories – pupils’ academic and other achievements and pupils’ personal development. This is a wonderful endorsement of all the improvements that have been made at The Oratory in the last few years – academically, pastorally and in our co-curricular life.

The ISI Educational Quality inspection took place in November. It described Oratory pupils as "show(ing) high levels of understanding for their age. They show self-confidence in many areas of school life, are resilient and adapt well to new situations."

The Oratory became co-educational in 2020 and this move has proved extremely successful, both in terms of girl numbers and the experience for girls and boys alike.

In our second academic year as a co-educational school, our 1st XI girls' hockey team won the U18s Berkshire league in their first term of competitive hockey. The Oratory U15s rugby team went through to the School Cup National Plate Final. The side won the South West regional section of the competition in January.

What makes The Oratory School different?

Attain asked the school, what makes The Oratory School different – and why should parents consider it?

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Head, Governance and Inspections

When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.


Julian Murphy is Head of The Oratory School.


The school is a registered charity managed by trustees. Read more about the charity structure and how it is run on the Charity Commission website.


The Oratory School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) on behalf of the Department for Education. Routine inspections take place once every three years.

The Oratory School Open Days

Open Days provide a wonderful opportunity to visit a school and discover more about the community, values and ethos. Read more about the questions to ask at an Open Day and the things you can expect to see.

The Oratory School Open Morning

No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

The Oratory School Leavers' Destinations

At the end of their time at The Oratory School, pupils go on to a number of leading senior schools. Recent destinations include:

Scroll right to see all the details about the schools below, including type and location.

More about The Oratory School

The Oratory School location map

The Oratory School
Woodcote, Nr Reading, Oxfordshire, RG8 0PJ.

Boys & Girls, 11-18 · Day & Boarding

To discover more, visit the The Oratory School website.

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