The Oratory Prep School

The Oratory Prep School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 2 to 13 near Reading. The school is set within 65 acres of countryside and aims to nurture happy, balanced, confident and inquisitive children.

Key facts about Oratory Prep

  • The Oratory Prep School is a coed pre-prep and prep school, offering both day and boarding places.
  • The school welcomes approximately 300 pupils with boys and girls aged from 2 to 13 years.
  • The Oratory Prep School is located at Reading in Oxfordshire.
The Oratory Prep SchoolThe Oratory Prep SchoolThe Oratory Prep School

Why choose Oratory Prep?

Headmaster Andrew De Silva says: 'At The Oratory Prep School, we are proud of the work of all our children and are passionate about ensuring their emotional and social wellbeing, so that they can thrive in the classroom and in a variety of other fields – whether in Orchestra, Choir or on the Rugby field. Our Co-Curricular offer will, I’m sure, continue our drive for excellence and curiosity.'

'The privilege of the dedicated staff team is to inspire all our children to dream. Through our positive relationships and collective hard work, we strive for these dreams to become a reality.'

What makes The Oratory Prep School different?

Attain asked the school, what makes The Oratory Prep School different – and why should parents consider it?

Rated 'Excellent' in our 2021 ISI Inspection, we are a leading independent day and boarding Catholic school, which holds our children at its core.

Set within 65 acres of South Oxfordshire countryside, our pupils benefit from an excellent education, enriched by outstanding facilities, including extensive woodland, ponds and adventure playgrounds.

Our impressive scholarship record provides testament to the hard work of the whole school family and, whilst our vision is to provide outstanding learning opportunities for all, we are conscious of the importance to strike the right educational balance, so that our children are prepared for their future endeavours, whilst very much enjoying the journey that they are embarking on. This is crucial in our ever-changing global climate.

"How can you say, 'the sky's the limit', when there are footsteps on the moon?"

The quote above epitomises education for our Headmaster and the school. All children are unique, special, and have their own talents and gifts. Here at The Oratory Prep School, we look forward to working with you and your child to ensure that his or her learning journey continues – not only in a way that challenges them intellectually, but in a manner that inspires their curiosity and enables them to dream.

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Head, Governance and Inspections

When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.


Andrew De Silva is Headmaster of The Oratory Prep School.


The school is owned by a company and managed by directors. The school is part of Bellevue Education which runs a number of private schools.


The Oratory Prep School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) on behalf of the Department for Education. Routine inspections take place once every three years.

The Oratory Prep School Open Days

Open Days provide a wonderful opportunity to visit a school and discover more about the community, values and ethos. Read more about the questions to ask at an Open Day and the things you can expect to see.

Open Mornings at The Oratory Prep

Open Mornings are a wonderful, social occasion for families to explore the school. The school holds open events each term and parents can register for more details via the school website.

The Oratory Prep School Leavers' Destinations

At the end of their time at The Oratory Prep School, pupils go on to a number of leading senior schools. Recent destinations include:

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More about The Oratory Prep School

The Oratory Prep School location map

The Oratory Prep School
Goring Heath, Reading, Oxfordshire, RG8 7SF.

Boys & Girls, 2-13 · Day & Boarding

To discover more, visit the The Oratory Prep School website.

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