Sandroyd School

Sandroyd School is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 2 to 11. Founded in 1888, the school puts happiness and inclusivity at the forefront of its learning environment.

Key facts about Sandroyd School

  • Sandroyd School is a coed pre-prep and prep school, offering both day and boarding places.
  • The school welcomes approximately 250 pupils with boys and girls aged from 2 to 11 years.
  • Sandroyd School is located at Salisbury in Wiltshire.
Sandroyd SchoolSandroyd SchoolSandroyd School

Why choose Sandroyd School?

Sandroyd is located in a breathtaking setting of over 500 acres of parkland – a haven for sports and outdoor learning. The school offers a broad curriculum which aims to enable every pupil to flourish as an individual.

Headmaster Alastair Speers says: "I appreciate that this vision is by no means unique, but I believe that what makes Sandroyd such an exceptional place to learn is the unwavering commitment from the entire staff community to create this outstanding learning experience. The collective effort of every member of our team creates the magic at Sandroyd and ensures all staff, pupils, prospective pupils, and parents experience a profound sense of teamwork and belonging."

"Our collaborative teaching and support staff are fully committed to delivering an education that provides the best preparation for our pupils in a setting that is as nurturing and joyous as it is ambitious, guiding each child to achieve their full potential."

"We are rightly proud of our pupils' academic success and the accolades they secure at the country's top senior schools, but beyond this, it is how they embody the true essence of a Sandroyd education – one that extends far beyond mere academic achievement – that sees them make a success of life at their next school and beyond."

What makes Sandroyd School different?

Attain asked the school, what makes Sandroyd School different – and why should parents consider it?

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Photo Credits: Millie Pilkington

Head, Governance and Inspections

When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.


Alastair Speers has been Headmaster of Sandroyd School since 2016.

Alastair Speers is Headmaster of Sandroyd School.


The school is a registered charity managed by trustees. Read more about the charity structure and how it is run on the Charity Commission website.


Sandroyd School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) on behalf of the Department for Education. Routine inspections take place once every three years.

Sandroyd School Open Days

Open Days provide a wonderful opportunity to visit a school and discover more about the community, values and ethos. Read more about the questions to ask at an Open Day and the things you can expect to see.

Sandroyd School Open Morning

No forthcoming Open Day dates are available.

Sandroyd School Leavers' Destinations

At the end of their time at Sandroyd School, pupils go on to a number of leading senior schools. Recent destinations include:

Scroll right to see all the details about the schools below, including type and location.

More about Sandroyd School

Sandroyd School location map

Sandroyd School
Tollard Royal, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 5QD.

Boys & Girls, 2-11 · Day & Boarding

To discover more, visit the Sandroyd School website.

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Day & Boarding
Boys & Girls, 11-18
Boys & Girls, 13-18
Boys & Girls, 2-11
Day & Boarding
Girls, 11-18

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