St Faith's School

St Faith's School is an independent day school for boys and girls aged 4 to 13 in Cambridge. The school aims to provide 'an inspiring and academically rigorous day school education... with a broad and balanced curriculum'.

Key facts about St Faith's School

  • St Faith's School is a coed pre-prep and prep day school.
  • The school welcomes approximately 550 pupils with boys and girls aged from 4 to 13 years.
  • St Faith's School is located at Cambridge in Cambridgeshire.
St Faith's SchoolSt Faith's SchoolSt Faith's School

Why choose St Faith's School?

St Faith's has a clear vision for every pupil 'to be empowered and enabled to lead a fulfilling life and to contribute positively to society'. The school aims to 'equip pupils for diverse and meaningful futures through our tailored approach to education, with an emphasis on inclusivity and social responsibility.'

The school's academic provision is underpinned by eight key Learning Habits and excellent pastoral care. The school has a Christian ethos and welcomes families of all faiths and beliefs. St Faith's is part of a foundation with The Leys School.

What makes St Faith's School different?

Attain asked the school, what makes St Faith's School different – and why should parents consider it?

Located in a spacious nine-acre campus in the university city of Cambridge, St Faith’s is the largest prep school in the city. A future-focused curriculum is delivered across a wide range of subjects which includes Coding and Engineering and subjects are taught by specialist teachers. To assist their learning, pupils enjoy excellent facilities, including The Hub, a dedicated STEM building complete with an observatory, Computing suites, Art and Drama studios, Music recital rooms and a multi-purpose Sports Hall. Class sizes are kept small, which allows pupils to receive high levels of individual teacher focus, while pupil progress is carefully tracked and monitored, to enable teachers to tailor the education and support each pupil to fulfil their potential.

As part of the St Faith’s and Leys Foundation, St Faith’s pupils are offered a unique opportunity to gain early confirmation of a place at The Leys, while guidance and preparation for a wide range of senior schools is provided as part of our tailored approach to education. Parallel to delivering academic ambition and rigour, St Faith’s prioritises excellent pastoral care. Each pupil is assigned a Tutor, and Personal, Social and Citizenship Education is timetabled as a subject. A House system, and a pupil led School Council and Eco Committee all provide teamwork and leadership opportunities, while every pupil in Year 8 becomes a School Prefect.

An ambitious programme of social impact promotes the importance of service to others and a whole school emphasis on equality, diversity and inclusion helps to prepare pupils for their next steps and for life.

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Head, Governance and Inspections

When reviewing details about a particular school, prospective parents should always ensure they have looked at the governance details, reviewed recent inspections and read about the Head's vision for the school. Find out more about how to read an inspection report, the role of the Head (and whether you need to like him or her!), the school's pastoral care provision, looking at what is taught through the curriculum and assessing the extracurricular opportunities on offer.


Dr Crispin Hyde-Dunn is Headmaster of St Faith's School.


The school is a registered charity managed by trustees. Read more about the charity structure and how it is run on the Charity Commission website.


St Faith's School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) on behalf of the Department for Education. Routine inspections take place once every three years.

St Faith's School Open Days

Open Days provide a wonderful opportunity to visit a school and discover more about the community, values and ethos. Read more about the questions to ask at an Open Day and the things you can expect to see.

Open Morning

Please visit the St Faith's website for more details and to book.

St Faith's School Leavers' Destinations

At the end of their time at St Faith's School, pupils go on to a number of leading senior schools. Recent destinations include:

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More about St Faith's School

St Faith's School location map

St Faith's School
Trumpington Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 8AG.

Boys & Girls, 4-13 · Day

To discover more, visit the St Faith's School website.

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